Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP)

Allison Doutaz Phone: 270-422-7545

Pam Harshfield Phone:  270-422-7545

Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP)

The Student Technology Leadership Program (STLPTM) is a project-based learning program that empowers students in all grade levels to use technology to learn and achieve. It was established in 1994 by the STLP State Advisory Council, which is composed of teachers, students and community leaders.

Student-designed projects, products and services are created to help the school and community.  Last year, our showcase project "Dash into Coding", qualified for state competition. In 2010-2011, our STLP showcase "Operation Gratitude" received an award for Best Showcase from Regional Group at state competition.

Our STLP team has entered several video production contests over the past few years.  In 2011, our PSA "Heart Heroes" received 2nd place and our PSA "Jumping Hearts" received 1st place honors in the elementary division at state.    In 2009, our KYVL video entitled "The Talking Globe" was announced as the 2nd place winner in the elementary divistion.  In 2008, our KYVL video entitled "KYVL's Searchasaurus" was announced the 1st place winner in the elementary division.  Also, our Reel School videos (from 2006 and 2007) and KYVL video from 2006 all received 3rd place honors in state competition. 

Our STLP team supports the recylcing of laser & inkjetprinter printer cartridges, and other small electronics.  They also encourage white paper recycling at BPS.